12 Days of Hiking Day 3: Hickory Canyons
Hickory Canyons never disappoints. It has two hikes. There is one short hike down a relatively steep hill that is approximately half a mile which leads you to the waterfall. This hike is gorgeous all year long, but one of my favorite times to go is actually in the winter when it is frozen over. You can see in the last picture posted what that looks like.
There is also a one mile trail loop that you can do. Both hikes hike are great.
Hickory Canyons is located between Farmington and Ste. Genevieve off Highway 32 (to C Highway and off of Sprott Road). This hike is also near the first two hikes that we showcased, Hawn State Park and Pickle Springs.
For more information on Hickory Canyons be sure to check out: https://nature.mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/places/hickory-canyons
Be sure to follow our 12 Days of Hiking on the Discover Farmington facebook page.
Next hike: St. Francois State Park.